Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Blogsy - the new cool blogging tool

Here is a new tool for all you bloggers. Blogsy is an iPad app the really makes it easy to add in varies forms of media into your blogs. Not only does it help spice up your blog posts, but it can help your formatting and spacing. I have been really impressed with the tutorial videos and it seems very user friendly. This is my first post using Blogsy so I hope you like. I am going to include a video of a demo of someone using the tool if possible. OK. I was just able to do it.....this is really cool. You type your blog on one side of the virtual page and then "flip" it over and sort of drag and drop items in like a Powerpoint slide. Real intuitive! Thumbs up and I think I will be blogging more now......

I will upload another picture....OK I found one of me on the web and Blogsy dropped it right in....no cut and paste, just drag and drop. OK...I am sold.


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