I'm actually dictating this blog right now while I'm sitting in traffic. It is safe because it's hands-free and also because I don't type too fast, so this is quite nice. The Dragon speak application is pretty darn good.
This app is really cool because it allows you to do about 30 seconds of dictation and it converts your words to text in seconds.
I spent $100 on the FULL version of Dragon which gives you a headset. It also allows you a little bit longer dictation and more robust features, but for being able to be used globally and in the car you can't beat this application for FREE.
If you are a recruiter and you've just done a phone screen, the big WIN is the ability to be able to transcribe your candidate summary notes and have them waiting for you ion your e-mail when you get into
the office.
I even used it for doing my TO DO list for things that I need to do for the day while I'm on my way to work. This is my new favorite app.
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